Category: Uncategorized

  • Frequently Asked Questions What’s your cancellation policy? You are free to cancel–no questions asked–within 24 hours of your scheduled visit. No-shows and late cancellations may be subject to a cancellation fee. I was a past patient of Dr. Menke. Do I really need to have an initial consult performed? Patients who have been seen by…

  • Elongate Muscles and Alleviate Pain with Child’s Pose

    Hips or low back feeling tight? Day-to-day activities (like sitting at a computer/desk for several hours or standing on a hard surface for long periods of time) can cause the low back and hip muscles to tighten and joints to become compressed. Child’s pose is a great stretch to perform to help elongate muscles, alleviate…

  • Improve Stability with Band Walks

    Your hips don’t lie. It’s not just a catchy song. Shakira actually wasn’t joking. Your hips are the “prime movers” in any traveling movement your body makes daily. Run, walk, jump, or squat? Your hips are doing most of the work. Or at least they should be. Your hips are the body’s center of gravity…

  • Core Strength is not about Six-Pack Abs

    Six-pack abs means a strong core right? Wrong… Although a flat stomach definitely gets the most attention, your core  also includes your low back, glutes, and hips. In fact, these areas play a vital role in the overall strength of the area. Often, I see several patients with low back pain that are limited performing…

  • Improve Shoulder Mobility with Wall Slide Exercise

    Shoulder mobility is fundamental for many of life’s daily activities. When rehabbing a shoulder injury (or post surgery) one of the first crucial goals is to improve both shoulder and and scapular (shoulder-blade) mobility. The Wall Slide Exercise can help to increase your shoulder stability and overall mobility. Wall Slides can be used to boost…

  • The Doctor’s Take: Children’s Chiropractic Care

    During my career, I have experienced the length that parents are willing to go to keep their children safe and pain-free. Moreover, as a son, I have witnessed firsthand how selfless parents can be to ensure their children have all the opportunities possible to succeed. Parenting is a 24/7 job. There are no sick days,…

  • The Redefine of Realign

      You may find yourself asking what is the big difference between Realign and other chiropractic offices. Here’s what you should know. Realign’s business model began by stripping chiropractic care down to the principles the practice originated from  – helping people maintain optimal health and functionality while avoiding unnecessary medicine or surgery. D.D. Palmer, the…